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September 2013 | No. 371DossierFiscal systems into debateContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial A crucial four months Jordi Gual Key points of the month Developed economies take over from the emerging Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey financial indicatorsKey economic indicatorsKey economic indicators for the euro areaKey economic indicators for Spain Financial markets Economic outlook Risks in the euro area continue to decrease Focus Capital outflows in emerging countries Focus The ECB: relatively vague «forward guidance» International economy Economic outlook Developed economies take over from the emerging Focus China: slowly but surely Focus United States: a higher and more up-to-date GDP European economy Economic outlook The euro area has abandoned the recession Focus Portugal in the firing line Focus Improvement in the euro area's current account: cyclical or structural? Economía española Coyuntura Los indicadores de actividad y confianza refuerzan el mensaje optimista Focus Examining the drop in the labour force Focus The IMF and European Commission assess favourably the reform programme Focus Deficit target: a tough second half to the year DossierFiscal systems into debate Focus Tax reforms: an endless story that has returned to the limelight Avelino Hernández Joan Daniel Pina Focus The use of fiscal incentives to increase the labour force participation Judit Montoriol Garriga Focus The shadow economy: too great a burden Àlex Ruiz Focus Corporate tax: proposals to eliminate the debt subsidy Pau Labró
Focus Tax reforms: an endless story that has returned to the limelight Avelino Hernández Joan Daniel Pina
Focus The use of fiscal incentives to increase the labour force participation Judit Montoriol Garriga