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June 2016 | No. 402DossierThe time of citiesContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial The United Kingdom, the European Union and the euro area Jordi Gual Key points of the month Macroeconomic acceleration; on hold financially Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey indicators financial marketsKey indicators international economyKey indicators European UnionKey indicators Spanish economy Financial markets Economic outlook Markets lose steam over the last few months Focus The ECB enters the European corporate bond market Focus The present and future of financial integration in Europe International economy Economic outlook World growth accelerates in 2016 but with downside risks that have yet to disappear Focus The fall in oil prices: an inscrutable blessing? Focus China's capital flight, a risk to be taken into account European economy Economic outlook Growth in the euro area continues as expected Focus Poland: new rules, worse outlook? Focus ECB liquidity in the core and periphery Spanish economy Economic outlook The good trend continues for the Spanish economy Focus The seasonal nature of tourism Focus The good trend in the labour market is consolidating Focus Private debt: some benchmarks for the Spanish case DossierThe time of cities Focus The cost of city life: the diseconomies of agglomeration Anna Campos Focus The keys to the city of the future Josep Mestres Domènech Focus Towards an increasingly urban world Àlex Ruiz Focus The urban factor of the labour market Adrià Morron Salmeron