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October 2013 | No. 372DossierThe deleveraging of the periphery countriesContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial Fragility Jordi Gual Key points of the month Economic recovery and sources of political instability Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey financial indicatorsKey economic indicatorsKey economic indicators for the euro areaKey economic indicators for Spain Financial markets Economic outlook The ECB is focusing its attention on monetary conditions in the euro area Focus Emerging currencies: overly punished? Focus The Fed delays the start of its exit strategy International economy Economic outlook Tensions are easing in the emerging countries Focus The US housing recovery: how solid are its foundations? Focus Emerging countries in trouble: who is who? European economy Economic outlook Growth is taking hold in the euro area and gradually building up a head of steam Focus Grecia: se abre el debate sobre un nuevo rescate Focus The English patient Spanish economy Economic outlook The Spanish economy's recovery has consolidated in 3Q 2013 Focus The real estate clock: time to get up? Anna Campos Focus Wage containment, competitiveness and exports DossierThe deleveraging of the periphery countries Focus Periphery public debt: sustainable in the long term? Joan Daniel Pina Focus Backpacks, debts and other burdens to calibrate Marta Noguer Focus The periphery is leveraged. How can it deleverage? Judit Montoriol Garriga Oriol Aspachs Focus Alternatives when the burden of public debt becomes unsustainable