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June 2021 | No. 457DossierThe financial impact of climate changeContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial We need to talk about inflation José Ramón Díez Key points of the month Recovery or reconstruction? Oriol Aspachs Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey indicators Financial markets Economic outlook Cautious optimism returns to the financial markets Focus The ECB’s holistic approach Laura Becerra Focus The movement of money, securities... and sentiment in the financial markets Juan Antonio Cabrera José Luis López International economy Economic outlook After the deluge, the skies begin to clear Focus Fiscal sustainability and corporate taxation under the spotlight Clàudia Canals Antonio Montilla Focus Risks of overheating in the US and consequences for the euro area Spanish economy Economic outlook The recovery of the Spanish economy gets under way Focus Spain’s high public debt: outlook and priorities for ensuring a good digestion Javier García Arenas Ricard Murillo Gili Focus The substitution of cash by cards as a means of payment during the pandemic Several authors Portuguese economy Economic outlook Portugal: favourable medium-term outlook for growth Focus Portugal’s external accounts show reassuring vital signs Teresa Gil Pinheiro DossierThe financial impact of climate change Understanding climate risks and their impact on the financial sector Ricard Murillo Gili Central banks and climate change: to act or not to act Roser Ferrer Ricard Murillo Gili Climate change and financial markets Luís Pinheiro de Matos
Focus The movement of money, securities... and sentiment in the financial markets Juan Antonio Cabrera José Luis López
Focus Fiscal sustainability and corporate taxation under the spotlight Clàudia Canals Antonio Montilla
Focus Spain’s high public debt: outlook and priorities for ensuring a good digestion Javier García Arenas Ricard Murillo Gili