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May 2015 | No. 390DossierThe sustainability of debt at a global levelContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial The role of debt in the recovery – part of the problem or part of the solution? Jordi Gual Key points of the month Global growth is gradually speeding up Previsiones e indicadores PrevisionesPrincipales indicadores financierosPrincipales indicadores económicosPrincipales indicadores económicos de la zona euroPrincipales indicadores económicos de España Financial markets Economic outlook Setbacks on the road: old obstacles and new challenges Focus The challenges facing the pension and insurance sector in a context of low interest rates Focus Shortage of safe assets in financial markets International economy Economic outlook Winter slump in the US and slowdown in China Focus On the restructuring of sovereign debt Focus The deterioration in Brazil's outlook: a bad patch or something more deep-rooted? European economy Economic outlook The recovery continues at a good rate but there are still risks Focus Portugal: making good progress but still with some homework to do Focus Are labour costs converging in euro area countries? Spanish economy Economic outlook Growth speeds up with the support of consumption Focus Job polarisation in Spain Focus The "la Caixa" Research real estate thermometer: the vital signs of a sector starting to revive Focus The use of the Social Security Reserve Fund DossierThe sustainability of debt at a global level Focus Alternative financing is possible, but is it safer? Sandra Jódar Rosell Focus Should we no longer worry about the level of debt? Àlex Ruiz Focus The role of bank credit in Spain's recovery – another phoenix miracle? Judit Montoriol Garriga Focus Crisis, debt and economic policy, a controversial triangle Clàudia Canals
Focus The "la Caixa" Research real estate thermometer: the vital signs of a sector starting to revive