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March 2015 | No. 388DossierThe ECB QE: causes and effectsContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial The euro area: in the hands of the ECB? Jordi Gual Key points of the month Global economic expansion is taking hold Financial markets Economic outlook Favourable winds in the financial markets Focus The Greek banking system, between a rock and a hard place Focus Cash accumulation across US firms: a change at last? International economy Economic outlook Led by the United States Focus Saudi Arabia's big gamble Focus Turkey: a more manageable balance of risks in 2015 European economy Economic outlook The figures are more encouraging but still immersed in uncertainty Focus Financing in Swiss francs in emerging Europe: a limited risk Focus Labour reform in Italy: a big step forward Spanish economy Economic outlook The pace of growth intensifies Focus A tail wind will help reduce the public deficit Focus Employment and innovation: a key combination for the labour market to recover Focus From the barrel to the pump: how are diesel prices determined? DossierThe ECB QE: causes and effects Focus Banking in the face of QE: caught between wishes and reality Sandra Jódar Rosell Ariadna Vidal Martínez Focus The dilemma of Europe's central banks in the face of the ECB's policies Joan Daniel Pina Focus On the need and effectiveness of the ECB's QE Judit Montoriol Garriga Focus QE comes to the euro area for a long visit Carlos Martínez Sarnago
Focus Banking in the face of QE: caught between wishes and reality Sandra Jódar Rosell Ariadna Vidal Martínez