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October 2014 | No. 383DossierThe keys to the recovery in creditContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial Melancholy in the euro area Jordi Gual Key points of the month An uneven recovery Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey indicators financial marketsKey indicators international economyKey indicators European UnionKey indicators Spanish economy Financial markets Economic outlook Diverging paths for the US and euro area Focus Household finances after the crisis: the temptation of risk Focus The euro area's interbank markets: searching for normality via unusual channels International economy Economic outlook Not as weak as it seems Focus International trade: what lies behind the figure Focus Brazil: a rough patch in the short term, significant challenges in the long European economy Economic outlook Lethargy dominates the euro area Focus The impact of the Russian crisis on Germany and Central Europe Focus The relationship between the value of the euro and inflation Spanish economy Economic outlook The recovery looks like continuing Focus The deterioration in the income balance: reasons and trends Focus Changes in Spain's real estate sector Focus On the upswing in household consumption in Spain DossierThe keys to the recovery in credit Focus The cost of bank debt: a thing of the past Sandra Jódar Rosell Focus A lower cost of equity for banks Pau Labró Focus The ECB: another step forward in consolidating the euro area's recovery Ariadna Vidal Martínez Focus The credit of credit Oriol Aspachs