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December 2014 | No. 385DossierOutlook 2015Content available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial 2015, an important year for Europe's economy Jordi Gual Key points of the month Favourable winds for a good 2015 Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey indicators financial marketsKey indicators international economyKey indicators European UnionKey indicators Spanish economy Financial markets Economic outlook In search of growth Focus US Treasury term premia: not yet, but likely Focus The Fed and the ECB are going their separate ways, how long will they take to meet up again? International economy Economic outlook The international economy will build up steam in 2015 Focus Colombia: an advanced position in Latin America Focus The TTIP: the free trade and investment treaty between the EU and the United States, a necessary agreement European economy Economic outlook Slow but sustained growth Focus Are France and Italy taking the right measures? Focus The sensitivity of the euro area's exports to exchange rate movements Spanish economy Economic outlook Growth with contained inflation Focus On the impact of falling oil prices on the current balance Focus The German Mittelstand, a benchmark for Spanish SMEs Focus The financial wealth of households: a buffer for consumption DossierOutlook 2015 Focus Global recovery underway, with the permission of the US and the euro area Focus Correcting the external deficit: high and low points Judit Montoriol Garriga Focus Weakness, shale and Saudi Arabia's strategy behind the upheaval in oil Clàudia Canals Madalen Castells Jauregui Focus 2015: monetary policy continues to set the tone for the financial markets Joan Daniel Pina
Focus The TTIP: the free trade and investment treaty between the EU and the United States, a necessary agreement
Focus Weakness, shale and Saudi Arabia's strategy behind the upheaval in oil Clàudia Canals Madalen Castells Jauregui