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May 2014 | No. 379DossierTourism, sector of the futureContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial The European elections: more important than they seem Jordi Gual Key points of the month The advanced countries take over Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey indicators financial marketsKey indicators international economyKey indicators European UnionKey indicators Spanish economy Financial markets Economic outlook Slow but firm steps Focus Global financial stability: from liquidity to growth Focus The earnings of Spain's listed companies exit the crisis International economy Economic outlook The world's economic cycle is improving and downside risks decline Focus Saudi Arabia: significant challenges on the horizon Focus The IMF points to a definitive recovery in the world economy European economy Economic outlook Growth builds up steam but pressure increases on the ECB Focus France: dependent on economic policy Focus Proposals to mutualise debt in euro area countries Spanish economy Economic outlook A convincing economic recovery Focus The demand for housing in Spain stabilises Focus The return on education in Spain Focus The slow correction in Spain's net external debt DossierTourism, sector of the future Focus China and Russia: the new emerging sources of tourism Clàudia Canals Focus The economic impact of the tourism industry in Spain Maria Gutiérrez-Domènech Focus The anatomy of Spain's tourism Focus Recipes for success in the tourism industry: different ways to reach the same destination Àlex Ruiz Joan Daniel Pina
Focus Recipes for success in the tourism industry: different ways to reach the same destination Àlex Ruiz Joan Daniel Pina