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January 2015 | No. 386DossierReason and emotion in decision-makingContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial Black gold: the focus of attention in 2015 Jordi Gual Key points of the month 2015 starts off with signs of recovery Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey indicators financial marketsKey indicators international economyKey indicators European UnionKey indicators Spanish economy Financial markets Economic outlook Positive prospects but greater volatility, the scenario for 2015 Focus The decoupling of gas and oil prices Focus Equities: a market with potential International economy Economic outlook 2015 begins with sharp contrasts Focus Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect: connecting with the Chinese stock market Focus Mexico: the first positive results from its structural reforms European economy Economic outlook The year ends with an improved tone Focus The ECB finds itself in an alley with just one exit: QE Focus The Juncker plan: public guarantees to boost private investment in Europe Spanish economy Economic outlook A good end to the year for the Spanish economy Focus On the sustainability of the pension system Focus Wages, productivity and competitiveness Focus Financial defragmentation in the euro area: still some way to go DossierReason and emotion in decision-making Focus The soul of companies Judit Montoriol Garriga Focus The transformation of household confidence after a crisis Ariadna Vidal Martínez Focus Price formation in financial markets: between reason and emotion Joan Daniel Pina Focus Portfolio management: from theory to practice Carlos Martínez Sarnago